
Equation: How Often Should I Post On Social Media

In this solo episode of THE REAL PERSONAL BRANDING PODCAST, Lauren explains how often you should be posting to social media and why all of the tips surrounding how often to post to social media may not be right for you or your business. Instead, consistency is key. Lauren gives us three steps for getting started and the LDC goal equation you need for social media.


In this episode, you’ll hear:


  1. Why we desire fast results but they may not yield the greatest reward for your brand or business.
  2. How to find your business goal for social media and optimize it.
  3. Why posting consistently is the secret sauce–not the number of posts.
  4. Lauren’s advice for choosing a habit to measure and why quality matters over quantity.
  5. Decide on a period of time you will measure your goal for and how you want to assess it.
  6. How the big picture for your social media affects how you grow your business and sharing your gifts with the world.
  7. Why your goals need to be attainable and reasonable.
  8. The LDC goal equation for measuring social media results.


Connect with Lauren V. Davis here:

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Kim Doyal: Stop Overthinking Content

Today’s guest is Kim Doyal. Kim Doyal is a content-planning expert, and she really cares about getting to the heart of the realness of an entrepreneur and bringing it forward. She’s an entrepreneur, a coach, speaker, and podcaster. She’s also the co-founder of the Content Creators Planner, and she’s built her lifestyle personal brand business through content marketing, podcasting, email marketing, and a commitment to just showing up.


Kim Doyal has a unique story and was widowed in 2003. She had two small children, and after finding herself in a new place as a single mom, she began diving into her business and started building a business that supported the quality of life that she wanted for herself and for her family.


In this episode, you’ll hear:


  1. What led Kim Doyal to start her business in 2008 after being widowed in 2003.
  2. How she created a thriving business while the economy was tanking and why she was determined to make it work.
  3. The first steps every entrepreneur needs to start creating content and why showing up as yourself is key.
  4. How you can stop overthinking content and realize that everything can be content for your business.
  5. Why Kim Doyal says just showing up is a secret to success and your story is a part of that.
  6. What an engaged audience can do to propel your business forward.
  7. Her recommendations for staying on top of what’s going on in your industry.
  8. Why people subscribe to her newsletter and what you can expect from it each week.
  9. The advice she would give her younger self-knowing what she knows now.


Connect with Lauren V. Davis here:

Connect with Kim Doyal

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Sean Osborn: From Homeless and Washing Dishes to Multi-Million Dollar Tech Company

In the latest episode of The Real Personal Branding podcast, Sean Osborn joins Lauren for a candid chat about how Sean has built a personal brand on the platform of thinking big.


If you’re feeling stuck, this is the episode for you. Sean is a mindset strategist and coach who specializes in taking people to the next level.


He spent more than 30 years developing his Thinking Big model and truly understands what the power of shifting your thoughts can do.


In this episode, you’ll hear:


  1. How Sean overcame his rough start and changed his outlook to move forward in life.
  2. What you can do to change your programming and change your beliefs to stop feeling stuck.
  3. Why knowledge builds belief.
  4. How continuous learning contributes to success.
  5. Self-awareness leads to knowledge about yourself.
  6. What motivates Sean to get up in the morning and how he overcomes imposter syndrome.
  7. Sean’s tips for what to tell yourself when you’re struggling and you need to move past it.
  8. What autosuggestion is and how you can use it to retrain your thought process.
  9. How your thoughts about money may be affecting your ability to have more of it.
  10. The top three skills needed to be a successful entrepreneur.
  11. Sean’s challenge to Lauren’s listeners.


Connect with Lauren V. Davis here:

Connect with Sean Osborn

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Breonna Queen: Leverage Online Video and Build Your On-Camera Confidence

Today’s guest is Breonna Queen. She is a go-to when Lauren wants to learn more about video. She teaches video but has also built her entire personal brand on the platform. In this episode, you’ll learn how to get comfortable showing up on video, what to do to grow your YouTube viewers on the granular level, and how Breonna repurposes one video into several pieces of content and creates all of her content for months within a two-hour video shoot.


In this episode, you’ll hear:


  1. How Breonna Queen transitioned from social media management to video production.
  2. Why you need to create content that allows your audience to see you as a problem solver.
  3. The top three reasons people avoid being on video and how to overcome your fear of it.
  4. Popular does not equal profitable and what you can do to increase visibility, create sales, and break through the noise.
  5. How you can intentionally repurpose content and video on different platforms and some of the tricks Breonna Queen uses to work smarter instead of harder.
  6. The one thing you can do to organically grow your audience and serve them well.
  7. Why you need to be consistent and strategic with all of your content.
  8. Breonna Queen’s best practices for creating video content that works.
  9. How you can battle a negative mindset and why you should be intentional about who you follow.
  10. Her biggest business surprise in the past year.
  11. The video myths she most wants to be debunked.


Connect with Lauren V. Davis here:

Connect with Breonna Queen

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Devin Marks: Craft Your Viral TED Talk with the TED Talk Whisperer

Devin Marks is the leading TED-style speaking coach in the U.S. He’s called the TED Talk whisperer by clients and media outlets, and he has trained hundreds, including Harvard’s Dr. Robert Waldinger for his breakaway TED Talk “What makes a good life?” That TED Talk now has 35 million+ views. The spread worthy ideas of Devin Marks’ clients are catalytic with hundreds of millions of worldwide views.


In this episode, Devin Marks and Lauren break down how to craft your statement and how to get started if you really dream of creating a viral and epic TED Talk.


In this episode, you’ll hear:


  1. Devin Marks’ story and how he became the TED Talk whisperer.
  2. The first step you need to take as a speaker to get on more stages.
  3. How to make a speaking idea TED-worthy.
  4. Why imposter syndrome is a common theme among speakers and how to overcome it.
  5. Who experiences stage fright and how to manage it.
  6. The steps you can take right now to get closer to giving your own TED Talk.
  7. How COVID-19 changed the direction of Devin Marks’ business.
  8. How you can apply the TED-style three factors to your business or career today.
  9. What surprised him in the last three to six months and what he learned from it.
  10. The free resource from Devin Marks you can download and apply to your communication methods.


Connect with Lauren V. Davis here:

Connect with Devin Marks


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Kelly Baader: The Fastest Way to Master Your Focus, Multiply Your Results, and Gain an Unfair Advantage

Kelly Baader was born in Taiwan and has relocated seven times in the last 17 years. Today, she resides in Switzerland and tells Lauren in this interview that she has a “messed-up” accent, but Kelly Baader’s accent is a big part of her story. Her unwillingness to concede to the limits and barriers put in front of her is motivating. She comes from a humble background and had to overcome insurmountable odds to achieve the success that she enjoys today.


Kelly Baader is a renowned digital sales and marketing strategist. She’s a mentor to emerging online entrepreneurs, author of an Amazon bestseller, founder of The Power of One Framework, and host of the “Christian CEO Podcast.” Previously, she was a senior executive of luxury global hotel groups and membership clubs and led thriving sales and marketing functions, becoming one of the top income earners before diving headfirst into entrepreneurship. Kelly Baader is now the CEO of her own company and on a mission to empower coaches and purpose-driven entrepreneurs to design profitable businesses that make impactful changes in the world.


In this episode, you’ll hear:


  1. How Lauren met Kelly Baader and what they have in common.
  2. Her origin story and how she overcame the odds stacked against her to become the success she is today, and how you can overcome odds too.
  3. What Kelly Baader did to adapt her personal brand in 2020 to help entrepreneurs and high-achievers move through it.
  4. How you can use Kelly Baader’s The Power of One Framework and why it is the fastest way to master your focus, multiply your results, and gain an unfair advantage over your competitors.
  5. The biggest unexpected challenge she experienced over the last year and what she learned from it.
  6. The one common myth about being a personal brand entrepreneur that Kelly Baader wants to debunk.


Connect with Lauren V. Davis here:

Connect with Kelly Baader


Brooke Sellas: Think Conversations, Not Campaigns

Today on The Real Personal Branding Podcast, Lauren welcomes guest Brooke Sellas. Brooke Sellas is the founder and CEO of B Squared Media, an award-winning, done-for-you social media management, advertising, and customer care agency. She’s also the co-host of the top-rated The Marketing Companion podcast with marketing legend Mark Schaefer. Her marketing mantra is, “Think conversation, not campaign,” which is all about social communication.


Brooke Sellas’s passion is social-first customer care, and in this episode, she shares with Lauren’s listeners what this means. They discuss what social listening means, how to proactively solve the needs of your audience instead of reacting, and how psychology plays a huge role in the decisions people make about supporting your brand.


In this episode, you’ll hear:


  1. What Brooke Sellas’ company does and how she landed in her industry.
  2. Why you should be using social listening in your business and how it can help you gather social intelligence and join those conversations before a purchase occurs.
  3. Some simple ways you can begin using social listening in your business and what to do with that information.
  4. The biggest challenge small businesses are facing on social media and how Brooke Sellas is addressing it.
  5. How you can use the psychology of the online space to connect with your customers and where to draw the line.
  6. Why you should document everything and put processes in place for your business operation if you want to scale it.
  7. Her best practices for documenting your processes and how to apply them to your business.
  8. Why Brooke Sellas is excited about customer care and why it’s needed now more than ever.


Connect with Lauren V. Davis here:


Connect with Brooke Sellas

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Mark Schaefer: Exactly How to Build Momentum when Being Great is Not Enough

Mark Schaefer is a globally-recognized keynote speaker, educator, business consultant, and author.

He’s built incredible momentum for his personal brand over a number of years. The world is noisy and can be overwhelming.

How can entrepreneurs be heard and build momentum?

Mark Schaefer will tell you where to start when you’re trying to find your advantage point and how to have more awareness about how random events in your life contribute to the bigger picture.

He’s the author of nine bestselling, path-finding books. His blog and podcast, The Marketing Companion, is at the top of the charts in the marketing field. He’s worked in global sales, PR, and marketing positions for 30 years. Mark also has advanced degrees in marketing and organization development, holds seven patents, and is a faculty member of the graduate studies program at Rutgers University.


In this episode, you’ll hear:


  1. About the last time Lauren and Mark Schaefer hung out face-to-face.
  2. How Mark Schaefer fell in love with marketing, began his career, and started his own business.
  3. Why you should never miss publishing your podcast episode and the biggest reasons to stay committed and consistent.
  4. How to Build Momentum in your business and how it can apply to every business. P.S. This is the idea behind Mark Schaefer’s new book!
  5. What entrepreneurs can do RIGHT NOW to pinpoint their personal advantage or overcome their self-limiting beliefs.
  6. How to come up with an idea relevant to our time.
  7. What Mark Schaefer wishes he had known during the process of writing his latest book.
  8. The people who have been impactful in Mark Schaefer’s life.
  9. What Mark Schaefer is researching right now.


Connect with Lauren V. Davis here:

Connect with Mark Schaefer

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Krista Mashore: Building a Personal Brand Empire and Becoming the Top 1% in Real Estate with Lead Gen

Krista Mashore has built an incredible personal brand in real estate, and Lauren welcomes her to the podcast for a conversation about financial-fitness and success. Krista also shares with Lauren how she became one of the highest performers in her industry by facing challenges head-on.


Krista is the author of four bestselling books focusing on digital marketing. She took her business from zero to $7.4 million in 25 months. Krista used online digital strategies to do this and is the recipient of prestigious awards in her industry.


In this episode, you’ll hear:


  1. Krista’s background story and how she transitioned into real estate from a teaching career.
  2. Some pivotal moments that forced Krista to recalibrate her business strategy.
  3. The most important characteristics and skills required to move into coaching or teaching.
  4. How Krista branded herself to push her content out to her audience.
  5. Why you need a GPS (Goals, a Plan, & Support).
  6. What Krista does to stay on top of learning to remain at the top of her industry (learn, implement, master, repeat). Be an early adapter, an implementer, and get used to pivoting.
  7. Why the most important part of becoming successful is implementing–taking action quickly and being decisive. Done is better than perfect.
  8. Krista’s actionable tips for creating videos. (Commit to consistently producing content correctly so you can make a connection to convert more clients and customers.)
  9. Take perfectly imperfect action.


Connect with Lauren V. Davis here:

Connect with Krista Mashore


Check out this episode!


Danny Ozment: Secrets Behind Producing, Monetizing, and Marketing Top Podcasts

Lauren welcomes Danny Ozment to the show. Danny is the founder of Emerald City Productions in Florida, which is a podcast production company that has produced many of the top business podcasts in the world.


To Sign Up for More Info on Lauren and Danny’s Upcoming Collaboration:


He built a lucrative and successful personal brand on the platform of podcast production. Danny and Lauren have known each other a few years, so she’s been able to see Danny’s business from an angle of a three-year period blossom into 2021.


One of the things Lauren loves about Danny is that he’s a straight shooter and doesn’t sugar-coat anything.


In this episode, you’ll hear:


  1. How Danny pivoted to podcasting as an audio engineer when a life event forced him to figure out how to work from home.
  2. The importance of podcast audio quality in addition to its content.
  3. What makes podcasting such a powerful medium and how it developed.
  4. Why having only 50 or 100 downloads each week does not mean it’s unsuccessful.
  5. How a podcast is a part of your content strategy and can be repurposed in multiple ways.
  6. What Danny does to connect with podcast listeners and how to encourage interaction and engagement with them. Treat the podcast like you’re having a conversation with someone.
  7. Three ways to monetize your podcast.
  8. Why a host’s authenticity resonates with podcast listeners more than content topics and creates a community.
  9. The most common podcasting myth debunked.


Connect with Lauren V. Davis here:

Connect with Danny Ozment:


Check out this episode!