Realistic Timeline of Profiting from my Business

When you hear someone on a podcast or a speaking event say, “I 10x-ed my business nearly overnight,” do your lie detector alarms go off? If they don’t, they probably should.

On this episode of the Real Personal Branding podcast, Lauren gets real about how long it takes most business owners to build a successful operation. She’s been an entrepreneur since 2006, where she started building slow consistent growth, and in 2016, her business soared. And in 2018, when she began investing in herself more consistently, Lauren started to experience greater success. She points out that most business owners who have successful businesses do not experience overnight success. Instead, they plugged away one step at a time, forming a sustainable business model to withstand the test of time.

Despite some personal and professional challenges, the determination to keep her business going led to Lauren's success today. In a quest to remain authentic—even in our loud and proud world—she’s lifting the veil on what it takes to set the stage for continued sustainable success.

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Jody Maberry: Should you have a podcast?
Today on THE REAL PERSONAL BRANDING podcast, Jody Maberry is Lauren’s guest. They have a discussion about whether or not you should start a podcast, what it would be about, and Lauren shares some vulnerable insights into how she felt before starting her podcast. They also discuss some tactical ideas to get your creativity flowing. […]
Sharran Srivatsaa: Transformations Don’t Happen in Isolation
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Joseph Bojang: Get Unstuck and Experience a Marketing Breakthrough
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Part 3 with Connie Pak: What the iOS Update Means for Your Business on Facebook
On this episode of The Real Personal Branding podcast, Lauren welcomes guest Connie Pak to the show. Connie Pak is the owner of Tuckdin Marketing, a digital marketing and consulting agency. She’s been an entrepreneur and business owner for over 10 years and understands the pains and frustrations that individuals and companies face when working […]