This episode marks the beginning of a 4-part Special One-Time Series dedicated to my friend Alicia Neubauer who passed away last April from Metastatic Breast Cancer.


In the half a decade I knew Alicia, she championed many causes, but one of them was helping women everywhere feel heard.


In these interviews, I spoke to nearly 50 women about their stories and experiences, their limiting beliefs, their advice for their younger selves, advice for future generations, and how they believe women are changing the world. 


They are not sad stories. They are stories of hope and happiness and they show how strong humans are. How resilient we are and I feel like I got a Master's degree in being leadership through these interviews. 


It's important to know in real life, not all people share the same experiences and opinions. So not all of the stories share my same opinions. Some interviews are longer, some are shorter. No particular reason besides time restraints but I encourage you to find these guests after the show HERE in this download with ALL of the guests and their info.

IMPORTANT: To donate to the same Breast Cancer Research Alicia continued to raise money for, go to this link and select "More for Stage IV"


This is one of the places researching Stage 4 Cancer (the least researched of all Breast Cancer because of how terminal it is)

Enjoy the show! 


Check out this episode!


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