How Andrew & Pete Future Proofed & Quickly Pivoted Their Large Conference During a Pandemic


Andrew and Pete are the fun business duo who help small business owners scale their business so they can stop swapping time for money.


They regularly keynote international conferences such as Social Media Marketing World and have been featured on sites such as Inc., Huffington Post, Social Media Examiner, Convince and Convert, & Entrepreneur on Fire.


Andrew and Pete are ranked in the top 100 digital marketers in the world and host one of Europe's largest small-biz growth conferences, ATOMICON


Due to current events, Andrew and Pete had to VERY quickly and intentionally pivot their 1000 attendee event into a virtual event, but they decided they had to MAKE IT BIG.


They had to ask themselves, "What if we had planned it like this from the beginning?" They changed everything. They made it larger than life, and they spill ALL the secrets. 


Learn exactly how they pivoted to create an epic experiential live event into an unrivaled virtual event in this episode... plus all of their secrets on how they were able to future-proof the success of this event and events to come from Andrew and Pete.


P.S. Bloopers at the end!  🙂 


Receive $50 off your ticket to Atomicon happening THIS MONTH here:


Connect with me! 




Connect with Andrew and Pete!





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