Why Jeff Goins Ended a Successful Writer’s Conference

People always say "I can't start a conference because I don't know if I can do it. What if no one shows up? What if it is bad?"


Jeff says he started this conference BECAUSE he wanted to see IF he could do it. And he DID IT, successfully, for five solid years. 


Do you know when it is time to shut your event down? To close up shop? How smart is it to plan your finale from the moment you start?


In this episode, Best Selling Author Jeff Goins gives us all the secrets on...

• How he recruited all-star lineups of speakers through the five years –– and why they always said yes.

• How he curated a very vibrant community from the conference that lives on.

• And finally, how he planned the finale of his conference and "ended it before it had to end."


You'll learn later why Jeff's community would travel from states away to meet each other… and I think that is truly a testament to how Jeff is as a person with everyone he meets. 


So if you dont already know Jeff, here is a little more about him.


Jeff Goins is a writer, speaker, and entrepreneur. He is the best-selling author of five books, including The Art of Work and Real Artists Don't Starve. His award-winning blog is visited by millions of people every year.


Through his online courses, events, and coaching programs, he helps thousands of writers succeed every year. Jeff lives with his family just outside of Nashville, where he makes the world's best guacamole.


Jeff's community for writers:

Follow Jeff on Twitter:

Instagram: @JeffGoins


And please don't hesitate to connect with me!

Instagram: @LDavisCreative


Check out this episode!


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