What to Expect This Season on the Real Personal Branding Podcast

Welcome back to the Real Personal Branding podcast! In today’s episode, Lauren explains where she’s been while the podcast was on hiatus, what’s changed in her life, and what you can expect going forward from this podcast. She is so excited to relaunch her podcast, continue building her business, and welcome guests to the show who can help you grow your business and brand.

Lauren shares how she discovered her secret weapon and how she’s using it to find balance in her life. She’ll ask real questions of her guests and get answers that you won’t hear anywhere else.

Lying will get you nowhere, and telling the truth even when it’s painful is a lesson that allowed Lauren to stay true to herself when life got hard. This ability to find the real authentic stories within is a superpower she embraces to build real, organic trust with others. We value people who tell the truth--even when it’s uncomfortable.

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Get Out of Survival State Into Your Executive State for a Fulfilled Life and Business with Dr. Eugene Choi
Today on THE REAL PERSONAL BRANDING podcast, Lauren welcomes Dr. Eugene Choi to the podcast. He is a neuroscience-based, transformational mindset coach. This podcast was recorded several months ago, and Lauren used what she learned from him during this recording to navigate several personal life changes. She met Dr. Choi through their mutual friend Mike […]
Setting Goals, Reflecting for a Successful Year with Katrina Kibben
Today on THE REAL PERSONAL BRANDING podcast, Lauren welcomes guest Katrina Kibben. Over the New Year holiday, Lauren met up with them, and they reminded her of a reflection exercise that they do every month and that the New Year is a great time to start this exercise.    Katrina Kibben is a highly sought-after […]
Three Birthday Reflections, My Sister Sarah Vanags Interviews Me
My sister Sarah, ever since we were little, has encouraged me in her own way to celebrate myself on my birthday. A few years ago she started asking everyone 3 questions on their birthday and this year I asked if she would ask them to me on my podcast. We recorded this less than 24 […]
Build Confidence On-Camera and Leverage Your Video with Keri Murphy
Today on THE REAL PERSONAL BRANDING podcast, Keri Murphy is Lauren’s guest this week. She is a TV veteran who brings her hard-won entrepreneurial knowledge and on-camera expertise to her clients through public speaking, coaching programs, and her company Inspired Living. Her goal is to help entrepreneurs stay inspired and stay enlightened on what it […]