Danny Ozment: Secrets Behind Producing, Monetizing, and Marketing Top Podcasts

Lauren welcomes Danny Ozment to the show. Danny is the founder of Emerald City Productions in Florida, which is a podcast production company that has produced many of the top business podcasts in the world.


To Sign Up for More Info on Lauren and Danny's Upcoming Collaboration:


He built a lucrative and successful personal brand on the platform of podcast production. Danny and Lauren have known each other a few years, so she's been able to see Danny's business from an angle of a three-year period blossom into 2021.


One of the things Lauren loves about Danny is that he's a straight shooter and doesn't sugar-coat anything.


In this episode, you'll hear:


  1. How Danny pivoted to podcasting as an audio engineer when a life event forced him to figure out how to work from home.
  2. The importance of podcast audio quality in addition to its content.
  3. What makes podcasting such a powerful medium and how it developed.
  4. Why having only 50 or 100 downloads each week does not mean it's unsuccessful.
  5. How a podcast is a part of your content strategy and can be repurposed in multiple ways.
  6. What Danny does to connect with podcast listeners and how to encourage interaction and engagement with them. Treat the podcast like you're having a conversation with someone.
  7. Three ways to monetize your podcast.
  8. Why a host's authenticity resonates with podcast listeners more than content topics and creates a community.
  9. The most common podcasting myth debunked.


Connect with Lauren V. Davis here:

Connect with Danny Ozment:


Check out this episode!


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