Part 3 with Connie Pak: What the iOS Update Means for Your Business on Facebook

On this episode of The Real Personal Branding podcast, Lauren welcomes guest Connie Pak to the show. Connie Pak is the owner of Tuckdin Marketing, a digital marketing and consulting agency. She’s been an entrepreneur and business owner for over 10 years and understands the pains and frustrations that individuals and companies face when working to create an effective and successful online presence. She has built an agency that focuses on creating efficient and automated marketing systems that deliver bottom-line results.


Connie Pak’s passion is helping clients scale and grow their businesses to levels they never thought possible and bringing their visions to life with focused marketing strategies, customized for their needs. She calls California home and loves finding new, delicious, hole-in-the-wall places to eat and spends every free minute going on adventures with her husband and two sons.


In this episode, you’ll hear:


  1. How Connie Pak became an entrepreneur and why she was drawn to the digital marketing industry.
  2. The types of clients she serves and how she discovered who her ideal clients are.
  3. Her perspective on the Facebook ads changes, why she believes Apple made this change, and what it means for marketing.
  4. What entrepreneurs can do right now to create a new marketing strategy in the face of Apple’s privacy changes.
  5. Why branding and consistency are so crucial to your digital marketing strategy.
  6. How Connie Pak stays on top of the ever-changing landscape of marketing.
  7. Her advice for building your first Facebook ads marketing strategy.
  8. The most common myth around Facebook ads she wants to bust.


Connect with Lauren V. Davis here:


Connect with Connie Pak here:


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