Kelly Baader: The Fastest Way to Master Your Focus, Multiply Your Results, and Gain an Unfair Advantage

Kelly Baader was born in Taiwan and has relocated seven times in the last 17 years. Today, she resides in Switzerland and tells Lauren in this interview that she has a “messed-up” accent, but Kelly Baader’s accent is a big part of her story. Her unwillingness to concede to the limits and barriers put in front of her is motivating. She comes from a humble background and had to overcome insurmountable odds to achieve the success that she enjoys today.


Kelly Baader is a renowned digital sales and marketing strategist. She’s a mentor to emerging online entrepreneurs, author of an Amazon bestseller, founder of The Power of One Framework, and host of the “Christian CEO Podcast.” Previously, she was a senior executive of luxury global hotel groups and membership clubs and led thriving sales and marketing functions, becoming one of the top income earners before diving headfirst into entrepreneurship. Kelly Baader is now the CEO of her own company and on a mission to empower coaches and purpose-driven entrepreneurs to design profitable businesses that make impactful changes in the world.


In this episode, you’ll hear:


  1. How Lauren met Kelly Baader and what they have in common.
  2. Her origin story and how she overcame the odds stacked against her to become the success she is today, and how you can overcome odds too.
  3. What Kelly Baader did to adapt her personal brand in 2020 to help entrepreneurs and high-achievers move through it.
  4. How you can use Kelly Baader’s The Power of One Framework and why it is the fastest way to master your focus, multiply your results, and gain an unfair advantage over your competitors.
  5. The biggest unexpected challenge she experienced over the last year and what she learned from it.
  6. The one common myth about being a personal brand entrepreneur that Kelly Baader wants to debunk.


Connect with Lauren V. Davis here:

Connect with Kelly Baader


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