Brooke Sellas: Think Conversations, Not Campaigns

Today on The Real Personal Branding Podcast, Lauren welcomes guest Brooke Sellas. Brooke Sellas is the founder and CEO of B Squared Media, an award-winning, done-for-you social media management, advertising, and customer care agency. She's also the co-host of the top-rated The Marketing Companion podcast with marketing legend Mark Schaefer. Her marketing mantra is, "Think conversation, not campaign," which is all about social communication.


Brooke Sellas's passion is social-first customer care, and in this episode, she shares with Lauren's listeners what this means. They discuss what social listening means, how to proactively solve the needs of your audience instead of reacting, and how psychology plays a huge role in the decisions people make about supporting your brand.


In this episode, you'll hear:


  1. What Brooke Sellas' company does and how she landed in her industry.
  2. Why you should be using social listening in your business and how it can help you gather social intelligence and join those conversations before a purchase occurs.
  3. Some simple ways you can begin using social listening in your business and what to do with that information.
  4. The biggest challenge small businesses are facing on social media and how Brooke Sellas is addressing it.
  5. How you can use the psychology of the online space to connect with your customers and where to draw the line.
  6. Why you should document everything and put processes in place for your business operation if you want to scale it.
  7. Her best practices for documenting your processes and how to apply them to your business.
  8. Why Brooke Sellas is excited about customer care and why it's needed now more than ever.


Connect with Lauren V. Davis here:


Connect with Brooke Sellas

Check out this episode!


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