Someone on a podcast interview recently asked me for 3 Basic Public Speaking Tips to do 24 hours before your next speaking gig that will give you more confidence, help you book your next event from the room, and show up feeling like the truest version of yourself.
These 3 public speaking tips to do 24 hours before your next speaking gig were not generated by Chat GPT but instead generated lovingly by working with dozens of speakers since 2010. 🙂 Here is a reel I made about the same topic.

1. TECH CHECK if possible...
- See what kind of mic you will be using
- Ask about confidence monitors
- See how you will be advancing your slides
- See the room if you can.
- Tryyyyyyy to cut alcohol the night before - trust me I love a calming Pinot Noir too, but it's not going do anything for you the next day but dehydrate you.
- Drink plenty of water.
- Get good rest
- Do some light activity like a brisk walk in the morning of your presentation to wake up your brain cells.
You will tell me this is obvious and then you won't do it. lol. Trust me, just do it... Here is why.
- Even if you know the content
- Even if you have done it a million times.
- Even if you only practice once.
- Even if it is the hour before.
- I have never met one speaker this doesn't help. — It’s about doing the dry run *with your next audience in mind.*
Even if you give your talk all the time, prioritize time to practice while thinking through the audience and their individual challenges and experiences.
This will help you with customization instead of doing it in real-time leading to:
• Improved confidence
• Better connection with the audience
• More conversion of the audience into REAL relationships and revenue
• Ability to actually help your audience learn something from you.
You’re in this to help people. This is a surefire way to be able to engage with them.
I would love to work with you on bringing you more business from stage without slimy selling tactics. Book a call here or follow me on Instagram for more free tips.