Reclaim Organization in your Business with Chelsea Brinkley

Today on THE REAL PERSONAL BRANDING podcast, Lauren’s guest is Chelsea Brinkley. She is all about the work-from-anywhere life. She’s always traveling, and her routine and commitment to systems are what make this possible.


Chelsea Brinkley believes you can do great work from anywhere and that your life does not have to revolve around an office building. This idea has made her a coach to remote workers and a hired gun for entrepreneurs who want to get the systems and processes in their business on track. These days, you’ll find her traveling with her family, looking for the next mountain to hike, and occasionally sipping an Old Fashioned on the deck of her Colorado cabin all while serving clients and blogging about this life she gets to live after breaking free from the corporate world. 


In this episode, you’ll hear:


  1. Chelsea Brinkley’s background, what her business does, and why she took the leap to leave corporate life behind and jump into the life of a remote-working entrepreneur.
  2. The mindset blocks she frequently sees in her business and how you can begin to shift the way you think to overcome them.
  3. Why it is never too late to create systems and processes to get your business organized and running more smoothly and Chelsea Brinkley’s tips for getting started.
  4. How a standard operating procedure (SOP) can transform the way your business operates.
  5. One of the first things Chelsea Brinkley asks a client to help them begin organizing their business.
  6. Her advice for delegating tasks within your business to free up your time to focus on what only you can do.
  7. The one myth about getting organized that she wants to debunk.


Connect with Lauren V. Davis here:


Connect with Chelsea Brinkley here:


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