Mark Schaefer: Exactly How to Build Momentum when Being Great is Not Enough

Mark Schaefer is a globally-recognized keynote speaker, educator, business consultant, and author.

He's built incredible momentum for his personal brand over a number of years. The world is noisy and can be overwhelming.

How can entrepreneurs be heard and build momentum?

Mark Schaefer will tell you where to start when you're trying to find your advantage point and how to have more awareness about how random events in your life contribute to the bigger picture.

He's the author of nine bestselling, path-finding books. His blog and podcast, The Marketing Companion, is at the top of the charts in the marketing field. He's worked in global sales, PR, and marketing positions for 30 years. Mark also has advanced degrees in marketing and organization development, holds seven patents, and is a faculty member of the graduate studies program at Rutgers University.


In this episode, you'll hear:


  1. About the last time Lauren and Mark Schaefer hung out face-to-face.
  2. How Mark Schaefer fell in love with marketing, began his career, and started his own business.
  3. Why you should never miss publishing your podcast episode and the biggest reasons to stay committed and consistent.
  4. How to Build Momentum in your business and how it can apply to every business. P.S. This is the idea behind Mark Schaefer's new book!
  5. What entrepreneurs can do RIGHT NOW to pinpoint their personal advantage or overcome their self-limiting beliefs.
  6. How to come up with an idea relevant to our time.
  7. What Mark Schaefer wishes he had known during the process of writing his latest book.
  8. The people who have been impactful in Mark Schaefer's life.
  9. What Mark Schaefer is researching right now.


Connect with Lauren V. Davis here:

Connect with Mark Schaefer

Check out this episode!


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