How Marissa Nehlsen closes 90% of new clients at top-level workshops

Marissa Nehlsen joins Lauren on the podcast for a chat about living life rich in every way. Marissa is all about making money work for you--one of Lauren's most popular podcast topics.


Lauren asks Marissa to tell the story of her journey into entrepreneurship.


Lauren and Marissa talk about empowering women who empower others. She wants to speak strategy into them as well as give them practical steps to get to the next level.


Marissa tells Lauren about the workshops she offers and that she believes in great value. She teaches strategies like not losing money on line 28 of your tax return. One thing you should ask yourself as well is, "Are you working on the business, or are you working in the business?"


With workshops, Marissa says that people will follow up and follow through when they pay you for what they're getting. The first question she asks in a workshop room is, "What am I here to learn? What are they here to learn? What will be the most impactful things?"


Prior to setting up a workshop or building a workshop, Marissa advises you to ask the question, "What problem am I uniquely qualified to solve for these participants?"


Lauren explains to Marissa that she runs into a lot of people who don't know what they are uniquely qualified to solve. Marissa tells Lauren that you turn passion into profit. What sets your soul on fire?


Lauren and Marissa chat about knowing your value and charging what you're worth.


Lauren wants to know what Marissa does for herself before an event.


For her last question, Lauren asks if Marissa thinks live events are more meaningful than virtual events and why. Marissa loves live events and believes you can do them virtually, but you have to be more strategic with the setting and experience.


Connect with Lauren V. Davis here:

Connect with Marissa Nehlsen

"Live Life Rich"

Check out this episode!


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