How Important are Mobile-Friendly Posts?
Did you know 189 million Facebook users are considered "Mobile Only?"
With a tech-centric generations increasing and the versatility of smart phones that are being used from anyone 7 years old to 70 years old and beyond... It's important that you make sure EVERYTHING is mobile friendly on your social media accounts, website, and email marketing (such as Mailchimp or Constant Contact.)
"Not only does Facebook have millions of users who don’t access it from a desktop or laptop, but mobile use generates 30% of Facebook’s ad revenue as well. This is a 7% increase from the end of 2012 already." –Fast Company
What does this mean for you?
When you are putting together posts/ads on Facebook, Instagram, your blog or email marketing, consider how it will look from a mobile device. Will things be cut-off? Will the text be too small (email pet peeve!) One way I frequently see this, is on event pages on Facebook. 
Making things mobile friendly will his will help the way people engage with your business or personality on social media instantly. 
Let me know if you have any questions!


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