Devin Marks: Craft Your Viral TED Talk with the TED Talk Whisperer

Devin Marks is the leading TED-style speaking coach in the U.S. He's called the TED Talk whisperer by clients and media outlets, and he has trained hundreds, including Harvard's Dr. Robert Waldinger for his breakaway TED Talk "What makes a good life?" That TED Talk now has 35 million+ views. The spread worthy ideas of Devin Marks' clients are catalytic with hundreds of millions of worldwide views.


In this episode, Devin Marks and Lauren break down how to craft your statement and how to get started if you really dream of creating a viral and epic TED Talk.


In this episode, you'll hear:


  1. Devin Marks' story and how he became the TED Talk whisperer.
  2. The first step you need to take as a speaker to get on more stages.
  3. How to make a speaking idea TED-worthy.
  4. Why imposter syndrome is a common theme among speakers and how to overcome it.
  5. Who experiences stage fright and how to manage it.
  6. The steps you can take right now to get closer to giving your own TED Talk.
  7. How COVID-19 changed the direction of Devin Marks' business.
  8. How you can apply the TED-style three factors to your business or career today.
  9. What surprised him in the last three to six months and what he learned from it.
  10. The free resource from Devin Marks you can download and apply to your communication methods.


Connect with Lauren V. Davis here:

Connect with Devin Marks


Check out this episode!


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